A Project of The Other Space PDX


Please visit the new website at www.theotherspacellc.com

Swagger has a new site!

Please visit our new website for current information: http://www.theotherspacellc.com


Thank you!

SWAGGER Introduces New Beginner Step Class

In response to the ever-evolving needs of our students (and our teachers), SWAGGER is reconfiguring its class schedule to keep the focus on providing all-inclusive dance classes to the queer community and its supporters.

Starting in February, a brand new Step I (Basic/Beginner) class will replace Hip-Hop II (Intermediate). Check out the new class schedule here.

Erin’s beginner Step class introduces students to the history and basics of an empowering art form with a rich cultural tradition and symbolism. Students will learn to combine rhythmic actions (stomping, clapping, slapping) to create movement and music.

Created by African-American fraternity members after World War II, modern stepping takes inspiration from such varied sources as military drill movements and South African gumboot dance. What these points of origin share are the use of rhythmic steps and unified symbolic movements to celebrate pride, cooperation and communication through dance. To learn more about Step, read up on SWAGGER’s step performance team, the Swagger Steppers.



Swagger Takes a Mini Vaca: No Classes Dec. 29 and 30

That’s right, we’re taking a week off to enjoy the holidays and prepare for the new year. Swagger will be off the last week of December which means no classes on Dec. 29 and 30. We’ll be back next year with Step and Hip-Hop II on Jan. 5 and Hip-Hop I on Jan. 6.

Swagger students will be performing that week as well, on Jan. 7 at Homomentum: Freaks of Nature at The Fez Ballroom ’round about 8 p.m. So whether you prefer to bust it out on the dance floor or take it all in from the audience, Swagger’s starting the year off with something for everyone.

See you in 2011!

SWAGGER’s Hip-Hop I Moves to Thursdays

Based on feedback from current and prospective students, we are moving Em’s Hip-Hop I (Basic/Beginner) class from Tuesdays to Thursday. Hip-Hop I will now be Thursdays from 7-8 p.m. at Bamboo Grove Salon starting this week (December 2). That means no class on Tuesday, November 30. We’re hoping this will accommodate more of the 9-5ers.

Never been to Hip-Hop I? Em’s basic/beginner class breaks down common hip-hop movements (step touches, body rolls, etc.) and teaches students to incorporate them into easy-to-learn choreography at a pace that’s accessible to those who have never taken a dance class before, while helping more experienced students strengthen their core skills.

Grab a friend and come check it out! We believe dance is for every body, so even beginner students get the opportunity to perform what they’ve learned (if they want to — no pressure!) at community events such as Homomentum. If you’re still feeling unsure, we welcome you to come watch our classes for free to see what it’s all about.

Check out the video below from a past Hip-Hop I class to see what students learn by the end of the hour.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

SWAGGER Performs At Homomentum Friday

In case you haven’t heard, SWAGGER students will be performing dances taught at recent classes at Homomentum: Rebels & Outlaws on Friday, November 5.

Check out  SWAGGER‘s first performance since the Portland Pride Festival (it’s okay, you can admit that you missed us). Homomentum is a monthly queer cabaret featuring performances by some of Portland’s most creative and entertaining queer artists.

This month’s show includes acts by The Cattitude Dance Ensemble, The Dolly Pops, Felice Shays, All of the Above, Little Tommy Bang Bang & Slim Pickins, Pidgeon Von Tramp and Shazaam.

Like what you see? Then join us in class for an opportunity to perform at an upcoming show!

Homomentum, 7-11 p.m., November 5, The Fez Ballroom, 316 SW 11th, $5-$10 sliding scale.

No Classes November 2 and 3

SWAGGER will not be holding classes on November 2 and 3 because we are busy preparing for our performance at Homomentum November 5.

Homomentum is a monthly queer cabaret emceed by Max Voltage of Pants Off Productions. This month’s installment, “Rebels & Outlaws,” will include two SWAGGER numbers as well as performances by The Cattitude Dance Ensemble, The Dolly Pops, Felice Shays, All of the Above, Little Tommy Bang Bang & Slim Pickins, Pidgeon Von Tramp and Shazaam.

Check it out — 7-11 p.m., November 5, The Fez Ballroom, 316 SW 11th, $5-$10 sliding scale.

See you back in class November 9 and 10 with all new routines!

SWAGGER Returns with New Classes and New Studio

SWAGGER returns from summer break with new classes, a new schedule and a new studio space.

Starting September 7, SWAGGER will offer two levels of hip-hop (basic/beginner and beginner/intermediate), step, and modern (sort of like that class we used to call “indie ballet,” sort of not). Classes are still just $5-$7 sliding scale.

All classes will be taught at this sweet studio space called Bamboo Grove (SE 2nd and Taylor — just around the corner from our old spot). We’re saying farewell to the Sunday night classes in favor of three weekday slots. Here’s the new expanded schedule:


5 p.m.: Basic/Beginner Hip-Hop


5 p.m.: Step

6 p.m.: Beginner/Intermediate Hip-Hop


5 p.m.: Modern

All classes are 50 minutes long. We’ll have class descriptions up soon, but if you have questions about the classes, the schedule or anything else, feel free to send us an email at swaggerpdx@gmail.com.

See you in September!

Em + Erin